We decided to bring Neo Juicery to life for two reasons: A) To share our belief that the human body thrives on the micronutrient overload that comes from consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables and making that accessible to you through our cold pressed juices and elixirs; and B) to build a business that not only offers value to its customers, but also value to the community. An experiment in social entrepreneurship, if you will. What does that mean? Well, for the team that is behind Neo Juicery, it means a few things
We never compromise on our sourcing
Our produce is 100% organic & locally sourced wherever possible, we package in glass containers, and 100% of our pulp and scraps are saved and used in delicious edible delights.
We believe in the democratization of the workplaceIf you are involved in any aspect of the business, you deserve a vote in how the business is run and the direction it is taking. We are a two-human show at the moment, but just as we aspire to grow, we will also aspire to be a democratic & equitable employer.
We believe in transparency
We want businesses and individuals working with Neo Juicery and the consumers of our product to know what we are up to. You may not need or want to know all the nitty gritty details, but when it comes to what does matter to you, it is our obligation to respond with truth.
We are a young company, but do our best to make note of all the wonderful organizations, individuals, and businesses that we work with or admire. We also contribute when we can to various charitable and NGO organizations during fundraising campaigns and events to assist in their admirable work.
We believe in education
Members of our team constantly want to grow and evolve. Researching new information in terms of health, sustainability, philosophy, and spirituality and all the intersections in between. While we know there is not one overarching way that everyone should live out their particular lives, we invite you to join us as we discuss different topics on our website and social media - in the most loving manner possible.
We respect all and serve all
We will be an equal opportunity employer, we serve our community & customers without prejudice, and we will respect the opinions & wishes of others as it relates to our business, products, and service. Most importantly, we will always acknowledge our privilege to be serving you on Treaty 6 indigenous land and respect the sacrifices of our founding fathers.